So lets not waste any more time and get started with the 50 random harry potter facts 1 hermiones last name was going to be puckle. In america, the most banned books are harry potter. From its location to its most famous alumni, here are some little known facts about one of the wizarding worlds most prestigious training grounds. According to rowling, in the potterverse, there are about 3,000 wizards living in britain. Top 20 book facts to impress your fellow book lovers. It was changed to harry potter and the sorcerers stone by the american publisher because sorcerers seemed more exciting. Harry potter harry potter glossary harry potter books. Some pleasing harry potter facts that might cheer you up. It follows harry on his 5th year at hogwarts as he learns to be more comfortable around girls, and becomes more aware of the impending evil. Top 10 interesting facts about harry potter movie series. All of us who watch this movie now think of it as the s. An inscription on the mirror of erised reads i show not your face. Rowling, creator of the fantasy adventure world of harry potter and his friends, turns 50 on july 31, 2015. Culture books news 21 insanely difficult harry potter trivia questions even diehard fans have trouble with.
An inscription on the mirror of erised reads i show not your face but your. They both blow out candles on july 31 happy birthday, jkr. Check out these 50 harry potter fun facts about the books, movies and all of the wizarding world, and. Rowling later said she would have fought this decision had she been in.
We never saw voldemort in this book movie, but prisoner of azkaban is definitely one of my favorite harry potter installments. Rowling later said she would have fought this decision had she been in a better position. Interesting facts this category is for questions and answers related to harry potter book 4, as asked by users of. Here are 25 interesting facts about harry potter and the philosophers stone. Whether youre a hardcore fan or a muggle whos only seen the movies, theres no denying that harry potter is a cultural phenomenon. The movie is particularly good, and i wanted to write ten fun facts about the film. And to keep up with my 10 fun facts series, this is gonna be ten fun facts about harry potter and the sorcerers stone, both the book and the movie 1.
Harry arrived at number 4, privet drive in the first book with hagrid in siriuss motorbike. Recently, i wrote an article called 10 fun facts you never knew about star wars. Whether youre a casual lover of the harry potter franchise or a hardcore fan, there may be a few facts about everybodys favorite young wizard that you might not know about. The book was penned in the 17th century by english botanist and herbalist. While playing fact or fanfiction with aol, tom felton revealed that harry might have had a.
The apparent reasons are because they promote witchcraft, they set bad examples and are too dark. In this article, we are going to present you top 10 interesting facts about harry potter movie series that most of you dont know. See how many of our 20 nerdy harry potter facts were already lodged in your brain. The book and movie are called harry potter and the philosophers stone everywhere except the united states. Rowling into the first author ever to become a billionaire. If youre a harry potter fan, test your knowledge and see if you know many of these twenty interesting facts about the harry potter films the role of voldemort in the harry potter movies have been played by six actors the word dumbledore was an early english word for a bumblebee. Certain facts such as hermione being the youngest of the three while the actress is the oldest is incorrect. What are some interesting facts about the harry potter. When a witch or wizard is born, even to muggles, the book knows. Latin sneaks in everywhere in the harry potter books. The first harry potter book took the world by storm when it was released almost 20 years ago. A team of editors takes feedback from our visitors to keep trivia as up to date and as accurate as possible.
These questions can be around different things such as music, movie, science, history, sports, and other subjects. This quiz will really test your knowledge of the harry potter books. We included harry potter and the philosophers stone in our pick of the top ten best childrens novels ever written. This can be learned from reading harry potter and the half blood prince. The life of this author of one of the bestselling book series in. Rowling decides to bring this lucrative franchise back into business with a new script book that was published at the end of last month.
It was added when her publisher suggested that she not use her real name joanne rowling for the books. Facts about harry potter that every fan should know insider. Five fascinating facts about harry potter interesting. Harry and jk share their birth date that is july 31.
As of 2011, it had sold more than 450 million copies. Great as a conversation starter, these book facts are the best. Harry potter series is one of its own kind in the magical world of movies. When harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban was released in the uk, bloomsbury asked stores not to sell the book until the end of the school day, to prevent truancy. Rowling has said that if voldemort saw a boggart it would embody his own corpse, since death was always. Severus snape is one of the most loved and most controversial characters in the harry potter universe, but theres more to him than you realize. Top 20 book facts all the facts about books you need to know. He liked to play in all sorts of ways of course, such as with a nasty gambling habit.
The first harry potter book was published in 1998, the same year the final battle of hogwarts was fought. The harry potter series is the biggestselling book series of all time. Theres a minor difference in appearance between the book harry. It can also be noticed in harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1 movie and book when before his 17th birthday harry still has the trace on him allowing the. A team of editors takes feedback from our visitors to keep. If you publish a book in norway, the government will buy copies 1,500 if a childrens book and distribute them to libraries throughout the country. How many of these random facts details will you recall. The harry potter books were the first childrens books to make the new york times bestseller list since e. And that mental image is what kept hagrid alive, despite the fact that he would have. Random harry potter facts you probably dont know book. Here are some interesting morsels of wizarding world trivia that we hope. Harrys parents james and lily are soulmates because the patronus charm to ward off dementors is a physical representation of ones soul.
The original title of the first book was harry potter and the philosophers stone and appeared on books in the united kingdom, canada, australia, and other territories. Harry potter and the order of the phoenix is the 5th book in the series, and the 5th movie in the series as well. Jk rowlings harry potter booksturnedmovies are a cultural. The book s name was changed to harry potter and the sorcerers stone when it was picked up by american company scholastic, because the american publishers believed that children wouldnt. Harry potter trivia 50 fun harry potter facts parade. Test your knowledge of the harry potter series with our set of impossibly difficult. Here are some interesting facts about the harry potter series that even the.
Check out these 15 things you didnt know about harry james potter. Rowlings harry potter series changed the face of childrens literature and became a cultural phenomenon, so in honour of the series, here are our five favourite facts about j. Moony, wormtail, padfoot and prongs died in reverse order of how their names were written in the marauders map. Do you want to know the most interesting facts about books. Just when you thought that this cash cow has been milked dry with all the movies, merchandise and theme parks, j. Keep reading to learn 20 surprising facts about jk rowlings magical series, from how she named her characters to how technology brought the films to life. Harry isnt old enough to take the apparition test, which you can legally take at 17. Fun facts about the harry potter series you never knew. However, the bestguarded secret and the secret which answers a big question about the harry potter world is the book of admittance. Harry potter this category is for questions and answers related to harry potter general, as asked by users of.
After 7 successful novels and 8 films of similar success, harry potter has left a huge mark in the media world, creating one of the largest fandoms to ever walk the earth. Find all the books, read about the author, and more. Harry potter facts even a diehard fan might not know. Even if they arent that long, how about the founding of hogwarts, wouldnt that be fun to explore.